
As we know there are 12 zodiac signs in astrology which are ruled by seven planets and 27 nakshatras. An individual’s personality can be understood by exploring their moon sign as well as it reflects their inner self and instincts.

Astrology being the broader term, Vedic Astrology is the term used for Indian or Hindu Astrology system. Originating over thousands of years ago, ‘jyotish vidya’ as it was known as, was documented by Maharishi (learned sages) across the ages in the Hindu scriptures. The term Jyotish means the science of light. It is very apt as Vedic astrology deals in astral light patterns that reflect our destiny and future.

Astronomy is the scientific study of objects and matter outside the earth’s atmosphere and of their physical and chemical properties, is accepted as a science and is a widely studied academic discipline.

Astrology deals with the apparent positions of the planets and constellations at the precise moment of someone’s birth, and claims that these relates systematically to their character, personality traits, relationships with others, profession and auspicious times of their life. Astrology is not widely regarded as science and is typically defined as a form of divination. A good description of the historical differences and similarities of these two subjects can be found here.

Why are we, people living in the XXI century, still so intrigued by astrology?

Astrology is a tool to improve life and level of a person. It helps to improve physical, mental and spiritual level to balance the life and society.


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